AVI Plus Dutch Soft Food

AVI Plus Dutch Soft Food is a general purpose, highly nutritious soft food for the supplementation of protein and amino acids in most cage birds. This soft food is developed with many species in mind and can be used moistened as a base for a home mixed soft food, or can be fed as a moist crumble as part of the daily ration.

AVI Plus Egg Food Breeder

AVI Plus Egg Food Breeder is the perfect addition to your cage bird’s diet when adults are breeding and rearing young in the nest. Egg Food: Use for adult and baby birds. Contains egg which supplies ideal protein profile to your birds and is perfect as an addition to any complete diet. Essential vitamins and minerals, and the ideal amino acid levels to ensure both adults and chicks obtain the best possible level of nutrition.

MedPet Mediworm Deworming Powder for Cage & Aviary Birds 100g

MedPet Mediworm Deworming Powder is a broad spectrum deworming powder for cage and aviary birds.