Pegasus Bites Key Features:
Androctonus 30c:
Scorpion venom – slows down the degradation process the venom inflicts upon the body.
Carbolicum acidum 30c:
This remedy has antiseptic properties. Profuse cold sweat, body aches, weak irregular pulse, respiratory depression, drowsiness. Animal may pale around nose and mouth.
Bitis arietans 30c:
(Adder) – Slowing down the degradation processes, relating to this bite.
Echinacea angustifolia 30c:
Helpful in conditions of blood poisoning and septic conditions.
Guaco 30c:
Helpful for toxic effects on the nervous system. Antidote to stings of scorpions and serpents.
Hepar sulph 200c:
Affinity for the respiratory mucous membranes, producing catarrhal inflammation with profuse, foul secretions/suppurations.
Hypericum perforatum 200c:
The “arnica” of the nerves, thus excellent for injuries and lacerations where exposed nerves cause intolerable pain.
Lachesis 30c (Bushmaster snake):
Trembling and confusion. Dark blood oozes from wound, cellulitis with burning skin
Ledum palustre 200c:
Twitching of muscles near wound; affected parts becomes purple and puffy.
Naja 30c:
(Cobra venom) – Bulbar paralysis and oedema. Tissue below bite wound, dark purple colour, with large quantity of viscous blood like fluid. Intoxication and salivation with failing respiratory, heart and cardiac system affected. – loss of power over limbs. Sepsis.
Tarentula cubensis 30c:
Useful in septic conditions, relative to spider bite.
5 pillules (dogs & cats) & small animals.
10 pillules (horses & large animals)
Dose every 10 min for the first hour, while taking animal to/or awaiting veterinary help, then 1-2 hourly. c (Can alternate the T.R.S.200C remedy for shock)
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